Harjumaa national costume advisory chamber
Harjumaa Museum
Linnuse 9
76608 Keila
E-mail: rahvaroivas@hmk.ee
Phone: +372 53432191
Silja Nõu – national costume expert and teacher, member of the board of NGO National Costume
Maret Lehis – national costume expert and teacher, MA in native crafts, level 7 occupational qualification certificate as a national costume maker and weaver, Pileum OÜ, Oub OÜ
Lembe Maria Sihvre – designer, handicraft expert, member of the board of the Estonian Folk Art and Craft Association
Marike Laht – conservator in Estonian Open Air Museum
- Walk-in consultation days take place once a month
- Private in-depth consultations take place by appointment or via email
The advisory board collects, manages and shares information about national costumes mostly from the parishes of old Harjumaa county, including the Pakri Islands and the coastal areas inhabited by Swedes, but also other Estonian parishes the advisory board has expertise in.
- Reconstructions of national costumes of several Harjumaa parishes
- Historical items from museum collections
- A large number of items from the Pakri Islands
- Museum photograph collection
- Books on national costumes and handicraft techniques
- Brochures and copies of research papers
- Photographs, drawings and samples of national costume reconstructions
- Archival materials about Harjumaa parishes
- Database of historical items